Tax Filing Service

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A synchronous service to validate, authenticate, send a batch of tax data and print their transfer protocols.

Requires Authentication
The following routes are available for this service:
namespace PwC.DigitalHub.Utilities.IO.Core.Contracts.Models

open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open ServiceStack
open ServiceStack.DataAnnotations

    ///Represents a structure that encapsulates a tax declaration.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a structure that encapsulates a tax declaration.")>]
    type TaxData() = 
        ///The unique identifier of the tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the tax data.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Id:String = null with get,set

        ///The XML-based tax declaration.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The XML-based tax declaration.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Content:String = null with get,set

    ///A base service to process a batch of tax data.
    [<Api(Description="A base service to process a batch of tax data.")>]
    type BatchBearbeiteVorgangBase() = 
        interface IPost
        ///The batch of tax data to process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The batch of tax data to process.", Name="Data")>]
        member val Data:ResizeArray<TaxData> = new ResizeArray<TaxData>() with get,set

    ///Represents a base class for a file with raw data.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a base class for a file with raw data.")>]
    type FileBase() = 
        ///The raw data content of the file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file.", Name="Content")>]
        member val Content:Byte[] = [||] with get,set

    ///Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.
    [<Api(Description="Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.")>]
    type PortalCertificate() = 
        inherit FileBase()
        ///The unique identifier of the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the certificate.")>]
        member val Id:Guid = new Guid() with get,set

        ///The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates.")>]
        member val Index:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.")>]
        member val Pin:String = null with get,set

        ///The description of the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The description of the certificate.")>]
        member val Description:String = null with get,set

        ///Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.")>]
        member val Tags:ResizeArray<String> = new ResizeArray<String>() with get,set

        ///Gets or sets the file name of the certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Gets or sets the file name of the certificate.")>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///The raw data content of the file.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The raw data content of the file.", Name="Content")>]
        member val Content:Byte[] = [||] with get,set

    ///A base service to validate, authenticate, send and print a batch of tax data.
    [<Api(Description="A base service to validate, authenticate, send and print a batch of tax data.")>]
    type BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDruckeBase() = 
        inherit BatchBearbeiteVorgangBase()
        ///Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.  True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.  True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page.")>]
        member val DuplexDruck:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set

        ///Base name of the generated PDF file. Each tax data file name shall be appended to this base name.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Base name of the generated PDF file. Each tax data file name shall be appended to this base name.")>]
        member val ProtocolPrefix:String = null with get,set

        ///Footer text to be used on the printout (optional).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Footer text to be used on the printout (optional).")>]
        member val FussText:String = null with get,set

        ///The authentification certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The authentification certificate.")>]
        member val Zertifikat:PortalCertificate = null with get,set

        ///Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by  '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by  '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name="AbrufCode")>]
        member val AbrufCode:String = null with get,set

        ///The details of the provider that submits tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits tax data.", Name="DatenLieferant")>]
        member val DatenLieferant:String = null with get,set

        ///The batch of tax data to process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The batch of tax data to process.", Name="Data")>]
        member val Data:ResizeArray<TaxData> = new ResizeArray<TaxData>() with get,set

    ///A synchronous service to validate, authenticate, send a batch of tax data and print their transfer protocols.
    [<Api(Description="A synchronous service to validate, authenticate, send a batch of tax data and print their transfer protocols.")>]
    type BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDrucke() = 
        inherit BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDruckeBase()
        ///Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.  True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.  True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page.")>]
        member val DuplexDruck:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set

        ///Base name of the generated PDF file. Each tax data file name shall be appended to this base name.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Base name of the generated PDF file. Each tax data file name shall be appended to this base name.")>]
        member val ProtocolPrefix:String = null with get,set

        ///Footer text to be used on the printout (optional).
        [<ApiMember(Description="Footer text to be used on the printout (optional).")>]
        member val FussText:String = null with get,set

        ///The authentification certificate.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The authentification certificate.")>]
        member val Zertifikat:PortalCertificate = null with get,set

        ///Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by  '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.
        [<ApiMember(Description="Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by  '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name="AbrufCode")>]
        member val AbrufCode:String = null with get,set

        ///The details of the provider that submits tax data.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The details of the provider that submits tax data.", Name="DatenLieferant")>]
        member val DatenLieferant:String = null with get,set

        ///The batch of tax data to process.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The batch of tax data to process.", Name="Data")>]
        member val Data:ResizeArray<TaxData> = new ResizeArray<TaxData>() with get,set

F# BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDrucke DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json

To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDrucke HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length
