/* Options: Date: 2025-01-15 12:02:35 SwiftVersion: 5.0 Version: 8.12 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://taxfiling.pwc.de //BaseClass: //AddModelExtensions: True //AddServiceStackTypes: True IncludeTypes: VersionCheck.* //ExcludeTypes: //ExcludeGenericBaseTypes: False //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //InitializeCollections: True //TreatTypesAsStrings: //DefaultImports: Foundation,ServiceStack */ import Foundation import ServiceStack /** * A synchronous service to retrieve the list of all product and file versions of used ERiC-libraries. */ // @Route("/VersionCheck", "GET") // @Api(Description="A synchronous service to retrieve the list of all product and file versions of used ERiC-libraries.") public class VersionCheck : VersionCheckBase, IReturn { public typealias Return = EricVersionResponse required public init(){ super.init() } required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { try super.init(from: decoder) } public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { try super.encode(to: encoder) } } /** * Represents a type that encapsulates the versions of ERiC library components. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a type that encapsulates the versions of ERiC library components.") public class EricVersionResponse : EricFehlerCodeResponse { /** * The version of an ERiC library component. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The version of an ERiC library component.") public var rueckgabe:EricVersion /** * The status code that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status code that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusCode") public var statusCode:EricFehlerCode /** * The status message that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status message that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusText") public var statusText:String /** * The unique identifier of the response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.", Name="Id") public var id:String /** * The position of the response element in an indexed collection. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.", Name="Index") public var index:Int /** * Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.", Name="ResponseStatus") public var responseStatus:ResponseStatus required public init(){ super.init() } private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case rueckgabe case statusCode case statusText case id case index case responseStatus } required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { try super.init(from: decoder) let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) rueckgabe = try container.decodeIfPresent(EricVersion.self, forKey: .rueckgabe) statusCode = try container.decodeIfPresent(EricFehlerCode.self, forKey: .statusCode) statusText = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .statusText) id = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .id) index = try container.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .index) responseStatus = try container.decodeIfPresent(ResponseStatus.self, forKey: .responseStatus) } public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { try super.encode(to: encoder) var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) if rueckgabe != nil { try container.encode(rueckgabe, forKey: .rueckgabe) } if statusCode != nil { try container.encode(statusCode, forKey: .statusCode) } if statusText != nil { try container.encode(statusText, forKey: .statusText) } if id != nil { try container.encode(id, forKey: .id) } if index != nil { try container.encode(index, forKey: .index) } if responseStatus != nil { try container.encode(responseStatus, forKey: .responseStatus) } } } /** * A base service to retrieve the list of all product and file versions of used ERiC-libraries. */ // @Api(Description="A base service to retrieve the list of all product and file versions of used ERiC-libraries.") public class VersionCheckBase : IGet, Codable { required public init(){} } /** * Represents a structure that encapsulates a list of ERiC dynamic libraries. */ // @Api(Description="Represents a structure that encapsulates a list of ERiC dynamic libraries.") public class EricVersion : Codable { /** * The list of available ERiC dynamic libraries. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The list of available ERiC dynamic libraries.") public var bibliotheken:[Bibliothek] = [] required public init(){} } /** * Enumeration of ERiC API error codes. */ public enum EricFehlerCode : Int, Codable { case ERIC_OK = 0 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN = 610001001 case ERIC_GLOBAL_PRUEF_FEHLER = 610001002 case ERIC_GLOBAL_HINWEISE = 610001003 case ERIC_GLOBAL_FEHLERMELDUNG_NICHT_VORHANDEN = 610001007 case ERIC_GLOBAL_KEINE_DATEN_VORHANDEN = 610001008 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NICHT_GENUEGEND_ARBEITSSPEICHER = 610001013 case ERIC_GLOBAL_DATEI_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610001014 case ERIC_GLOBAL_HERSTELLER_ID_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001016 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ILLEGAL_STATE = 610001017 case ERIC_GLOBAL_FUNKTION_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001018 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ECHTFALL_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001019 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NO_VERSAND_IN_BETA_VERSION = 610001020 case ERIC_GLOBAL_TESTMERKER_UNGUELTIG = 610001025 case ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENSATZ_ZU_GROSS = 610001026 case ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGS_PARAMETER_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001027 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NUR_PORTALZERTIFIKAT_ERLAUBT = 610001028 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ABRUFCODE_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001029 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ERROR_XML_CREATE = 610001030 case ERIC_GLOBAL_TEXTPUFFERGROESSE_FIX = 610001031 case ERIC_GLOBAL_INTERNER_FEHLER = 610001032 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ARITHMETIKFEHLER = 610001033 case ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_UNGUELTIG = 610001034 case ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_FALSCHE_LAENGE = 610001035 case ERIC_GLOBAL_STEUERNUMMER_NICHT_NUMERISCH = 610001036 case ERIC_GLOBAL_LANDESNUMMER_UNBEKANNT = 610001037 case ERIC_GLOBAL_BUFANR_UNBEKANNT = 610001038 case ERIC_GLOBAL_LANDESNUMMER_BUFANR = 610001039 case ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_ZUGRIFFSKONFLIKT = 610001040 case ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UEBERLAUF = 610001041 case ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENARTVERSION_UNBEKANNT = 610001042 case ERIC_GLOBAL_DATENARTVERSION_XML_INKONSISTENT = 610001044 case ERIC_GLOBAL_COMMONDATA_NICHT_VERFUEGBAR = 610001045 case ERIC_GLOBAL_LOG_EXCEPTION = 610001046 case ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001047 case ERIC_GLOBAL_OEFFENTLICHER_SCHLUESSEL_UNGUELTIG = 610001048 case ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL_TYP_FALSCH = 610001049 case ERIC_GLOBAL_PUFFER_UNGLEICHER_INSTANZ = 610001050 case ERIC_GLOBAL_VORSATZ_UNGUELTIG = 610001051 case ERIC_GLOBAL_DATEIZUGRIFF_VERWEIGERT = 610001053 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_INSTANZ = 610001080 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NICHT_INITIALISIERT = 610001081 case ERIC_GLOBAL_MEHRFACHE_INITIALISIERUNG = 610001082 case ERIC_GLOBAL_FEHLER_INITIALISIERUNG = 610001083 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_ERROR = 610001102 case ERIC_GLOBAL_CHECK_CORRUPTED_NDS = 610001108 case ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGS_PARAMETER_NICHT_ANGEGEBEN = 610001206 case ERIC_GLOBAL_SEND_FLAG_MEHR_ALS_EINES = 610001209 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_FLAG_KOMBINATION = 610001218 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ERSTE_SEITE_DRUCK_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001220 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGER_PARAMETER = 610001222 case ERIC_GLOBAL_DRUCK_FUER_VERFAHREN_NICHT_ERLAUBT = 610001224 case ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSAND_ART_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001225 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UNGUELTIGE_PARAMETER_VERSION = 610001226 case ERIC_GLOBAL_TRANSFERHANDLE = 610001227 case ERIC_GLOBAL_PLUGININITIALISIERUNG = 610001228 case ERIC_GLOBAL_INKOMPATIBLE_VERSIONEN = 610001229 case ERIC_GLOBAL_VERSCHLUESSELUNGSVERFAHREN_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001230 case ERIC_GLOBAL_MEHRFACHAUFRUFE_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001231 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UTI_COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTED = 610001404 case ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_FORMALER_FEHLER = 610001501 case ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_LAENDERCODE_FEHLER = 610001502 case ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_LANDESFORMAT_FEHLER = 610001503 case ERIC_GLOBAL_IBAN_PRUEFZIFFER_FEHLER = 610001504 case ERIC_GLOBAL_BIC_FORMALER_FEHLER = 610001510 case ERIC_GLOBAL_BIC_LAENDERCODE_FEHLER = 610001511 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ZULASSUNGSNUMMER_ZU_LANG = 610001519 case ERIC_GLOBAL_IDNUMMER_UNGUELTIG = 610001525 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NULL_PARAMETER = 610001526 case ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_UNGUELTIG = 610001527 case ERIC_GLOBAL_EWAZ_LANDESKUERZEL_UNBEKANNT = 610001528 case ERIC_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NECESSARY = 610001851 case ERIC_GLOBAL_EINSTELLUNG_NAME_UNGUELTIG = 610001860 case ERIC_GLOBAL_EINSTELLUNG_WERT_UNGUELTIG = 610001861 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ERR_DEKODIEREN = 610001862 case ERIC_GLOBAL_FUNKTION_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610001863 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENTICKETS_NICHT_EINDEUTIG = 610001865 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENHEADERVERSIONEN_UNEINHEITLICH = 610001866 case ERIC_GLOBAL_BUNDESLAENDER_UNEINHEITLICH = 610001867 case ERIC_GLOBAL_ZEITRAEUME_UNEINHEITLICH = 610001868 case ERIC_GLOBAL_NUTZDATENHEADER_EMPFAENGER_NICHT_KORREKT = 610001869 case ERIC_TRANSFER_COM_ERROR = 610101200 case ERIC_TRANSFER_VORGANG_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610101201 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_THEADER = 610101210 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PARAM = 610101251 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_DATENTEILENDNOTFOUND = 610101253 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINDATENLIEFERANT = 610101255 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDDATENLIEFERANT = 610101256 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINTRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL = 610101257 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDTRANSPORTSCHLUESSEL = 610101258 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_BEGINDATENGROESSE = 610101259 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDDATENGROESSE = 610101260 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND = 610101271 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NOTENCRYPTED = 610101274 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYCONNECT = 610101276 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_CONNECTSERVER = 610101278 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_NORESPONSE = 610101279 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYAUTH = 610101280 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_SEND_INIT = 610101282 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_TIMEOUT = 610101283 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_PROXYPORT_INVALID = 610101284 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_OTHER = 610101291 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_NHEADER = 610101292 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XML_ENCODING = 610101293 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_ENDSIGUSER = 610101294 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_XMLTAG_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610101295 case ERIC_TRANSFER_ERR_DATENTEILFEHLER = 610101297 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_ZERTIFIKATFEHLER = 610101500 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINKONTO = 610101510 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_IDNRNICHTEINDEUTIG = 610101511 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_SERVERFEHLER = 610101512 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_KEINCLIENT = 610101520 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_CLIENTFEHLER = 610101521 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_FEHLENDEFELDER = 610101522 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_IDENTIFIKATIONABGEBROCHEN = 610101523 case ERIC_TRANSFER_EID_NPABLOCKIERT = 610101524 case ERIC_CRYPT_ERROR_CREATE_KEY = 610201016 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_INVALID_HANDLE = 610201101 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_MAX_SESSION = 610201102 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_BUSY = 610201103 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_OUT_OF_MEM = 610201104 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_PSE_PATH = 610201105 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_WRONG = 610201106 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_PIN_LOCKED = 610201107 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_READ = 610201108 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_DECODE = 610201109 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P7_RECIPIENT = 610201110 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_READ = 610201111 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_DECODE = 610201112 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_SIG_KEY = 610201113 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_ENC_KEY = 610201114 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SIG_KEY = 610201115 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENC_KEY = 610201116 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_PARSE = 610201117 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_ADD = 610201118 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_TAG = 610201119 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_SIG_SIGN = 610201120 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_UNKNOWN = 610201121 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCODE_ERROR = 610201122 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_XML_INIT = 610201123 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_ENCRYPT = 610201124 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_DECRYPT = 610201125 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_SLOT_EMPTY = 610201126 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SIG_ENC_KEY = 610201127 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_LOAD_DLL = 610201128 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_NO_SERVICE = 610201129 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_ESICL_EXCEPTION = 610201130 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_TOKEN_TYPE_MISMATCH = 610201144 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_CREATE = 610201146 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_VERIFY_CERT_CHAIN = 610201147 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_ENGINE_LOADED = 610201148 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_USER_CANCEL = 610201149 case ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKAT = 610201200 case ERIC_CRYPT_SIGNATUR = 610201201 case ERIC_CRYPT_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZTES_PSE_FORMAT = 610201203 case ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_BENOETIGT = 610201205 case ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_STAERKE_NICHT_AUSREICHEND = 610201206 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_INTERN = 610201208 case ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKATSPFAD_KEIN_VERZEICHNIS = 610201209 case ERIC_CRYPT_ZERTIFIKATSDATEI_EXISTIERT_BEREITS = 610201210 case ERIC_CRYPT_PIN_ENTHAELT_UNGUELTIGE_ZEICHEN = 610201211 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_INVALID_PARAM_ABC = 610201212 case ERIC_CRYPT_CORRUPTED = 610201213 case ERIC_CRYPT_EIDKARTE_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610201214 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SLOT_EMPTY = 610201215 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_APPLET = 610201216 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SESSION = 610201217 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201218 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_INIT_FAILED = 610201219 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P11_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201220 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201221 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_P12_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201222 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_ENC_KEY = 610201223 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_SIG_CERT = 610201224 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_NO_ENC_CERT = 610201225 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_INIT_FAILED = 610201226 case ERIC_CRYPT_E_SC_SIG_KEY = 610201227 case ERIC_IO_FEHLER = 610301001 case ERIC_IO_DATEI_INKORREKT = 610301005 case ERIC_IO_PARSE_FEHLER = 610301006 case ERIC_IO_NDS_GENERIERUNG_FEHLGESCHLAGEN = 610301007 case ERIC_IO_MASTERDATENSERVICE_NICHT_VERFUEGBAR = 610301010 case ERIC_IO_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NDS = 610301014 case ERIC_IO_VERSIONSINFORMATIONEN_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610301031 case ERIC_IO_FALSCHES_VERFAHREN = 610301104 case ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_STEUERFAELLE = 610301105 case ERIC_IO_READER_UNERWARTETE_ELEMENTE = 610301106 case ERIC_IO_READER_FORMALE_FEHLER = 610301107 case ERIC_IO_READER_FALSCHES_ENCODING = 610301108 case ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_NUTZDATEN_ELEMENTE = 610301109 case ERIC_IO_READER_MEHRFACHE_NUTZDATENBLOCK_ELEMENTE = 610301110 case ERIC_IO_UNBEKANNTE_DATENART = 610301111 case ERIC_IO_READER_UNTERSACHBEREICH_UNGUELTIG = 610301114 case ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_NUTZDATENBLOCK_ELEMENTE = 610301115 case ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_TRANSFERHEADER = 610301150 case ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IM_NUTZDATENHEADER = 610301151 case ERIC_IO_READER_STEUERZEICHEN_IN_DEN_NUTZDATEN = 610301152 case ERIC_IO_READER_ZU_VIELE_ANHAENGE = 610301190 case ERIC_IO_READER_ANHANG_ZU_GROSS = 610301191 case ERIC_IO_READER_ANHAENGE_ZU_GROSS = 610301192 case ERIC_IO_READER_SCHEMA_VALIDIERUNGSFEHLER = 610301200 case ERIC_IO_READER_UNBEKANNTE_XML_ENTITY = 610301201 case ERIC_IO_DATENTEILNOTFOUND = 610301252 case ERIC_IO_DATENTEILENDNOTFOUND = 610301253 case ERIC_IO_UEBERGABEPARAMETER_FEHLERHAFT = 610301300 case ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_UTF8_SEQUENZ = 610301400 case ERIC_IO_UNGUELTIGE_ZEICHEN_IN_PARAMETER = 610301401 case ERIC_PRINT_INTERNER_FEHLER = 610501001 case ERIC_PRINT_DRUCKVORLAGE_NICHT_GEFUNDEN = 610501002 case ERIC_PRINT_UNGUELTIGER_DATEI_PFAD = 610501004 case ERIC_PRINT_INITIALISIERUNG_FEHLERHAFT = 610501007 case ERIC_PRINT_AUSGABEZIEL_UNBEKANNT = 610501008 case ERIC_PRINT_ABBRUCH_DRUCKVORBEREITUNG = 610501009 case ERIC_PRINT_ABBRUCH_GENERIERUNG = 610501010 case ERIC_PRINT_STEUERFALL_NICHT_UNTERSTUETZT = 610501011 case ERIC_PRINT_FUSSTEXT_ZU_LANG = 610501012 } /** * Represent a base response that encapsulate any ERiC API function return value. */ // @Api(Description="Represent a base response that encapsulate any ERiC API function return value.") public class EricFehlerCodeResponse : ServiceReponseBase { /** * The status code that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status code that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusCode") public var statusCode:EricFehlerCode /** * The status message that the ERiC API function returns. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status message that the ERiC API function returns.", Name="StatusText") public var statusText:String /** * The unique identifier of the response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.", Name="Id") public var id:String /** * The position of the response element in an indexed collection. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.", Name="Index") public var index:Int /** * Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.", Name="ResponseStatus") public var responseStatus:ResponseStatus required public init(){ super.init() } private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case statusCode case statusText case id case index case responseStatus } required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { try super.init(from: decoder) let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) statusCode = try container.decodeIfPresent(EricFehlerCode.self, forKey: .statusCode) statusText = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .statusText) id = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .id) index = try container.decodeIfPresent(Int.self, forKey: .index) responseStatus = try container.decodeIfPresent(ResponseStatus.self, forKey: .responseStatus) } public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { try super.encode(to: encoder) var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) if statusCode != nil { try container.encode(statusCode, forKey: .statusCode) } if statusText != nil { try container.encode(statusText, forKey: .statusText) } if id != nil { try container.encode(id, forKey: .id) } if index != nil { try container.encode(index, forKey: .index) } if responseStatus != nil { try container.encode(responseStatus, forKey: .responseStatus) } } } public protocol IHasIndex { var index:Int { get set } } /** * Specifies a service response from an ERiC service operation. */ // @Api(Description="Specifies a service response from an ERiC service operation.") public class ServiceReponseBase : IHasIndex, Codable { /** * The unique identifier of the response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the response.", Name="Id") public var id:String /** * The position of the response element in an indexed collection. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The position of the response element in an indexed collection.", Name="Index") public var index:Int /** * Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response. */ // @ApiMember(Description="Metadata that contains structured error information on the service response.", Name="ResponseStatus") public var responseStatus:ResponseStatus required public init(){} } /** * Represents Represents an ERiC dynamic library. */ // @Api(Description="Represents Represents an ERiC dynamic library.") public class Bibliothek : Codable { /** * The name of the library. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the library.") public var name:String /** * The product version of the library. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The product version of the library.") public var produktversion:String /** * The file version of the library. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The file version of the library.") public var dateiversion:String /** * The list of test modules of the library. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The list of test modules of the library.") public var pruefModulen:[PruefModul] = [] required public init(){} } /** * Represent a version of the internally used test module. */ // @Api(Description="Represent a version of the internally used test module.") public class PruefModul : Codable { /** * The tax data type version of the test module. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The tax data type version of the test module.") public var datenartVersion:String /** * The label of the test module. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The label of the test module.") public var label:String /** * The runtime of the test module. */ // @ApiMember(Description="The runtime of the test module.") public var runtime:String required public init(){} }