Tax Filing Service

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Represents a service to search for product data.

Requires Authentication
Required role:AdminRequired permission:CanAccess
The following routes are available for this service:
import 'package:servicestack/servicestack.dart';
import 'dart:typed_data';

* The number of query results to skip.
// @Api(Description="The number of query results to skip.")
abstract class PaginationBase implements IPaginate
    * The number of query results to skip.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The number of query results to skip.")
    int? skip;

    * The number of query results to include.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The number of query results to include.")
    int? take;

    PaginationBase.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        skip = json['skip'];
        take = json['take'];
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'skip': skip,
        'take': take

    getTypeName() => "PaginationBase";
    TypeContext? context = _ctx;

* Specifies a service to search for products.
// @Api(Description="Specifies a service to search for products.")
abstract class SearchProductsBase extends PaginationBase implements IGet
    * The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.")
    int? productId;

    * The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.")
    int? accountId;

    * The name of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the product.")
    String? name;

    * Search by using the name of the product that starts with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the name of the product that starts with the specified value.")
    String? nameStartsWith;

    * Search by using the name of the product that ends with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the name of the product that ends with the specified value.")
    String? nameEndsWith;

    * Search by using the name of the product that contains the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the name of the product that contains the specified value.")
    String? nameContains;

    * The version of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The version of the product.")
    String? version;

    * Search by using the version of the product that starts with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the version of the product that starts with the specified value.")
    String? versionStartsWith;

    * Search by using the version of the product that ends with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the version of the product that ends with the specified value.")
    String? versionEndsWith;

    * Search by using the version of the product that contains the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the version of the product that contains the specified value.")
    String? versionContains;

    * The description of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The description of the product.")
    String? description;

    * Search by using the description of the product that starts with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the description of the product that starts with the specified value.")
    String? descriptionStartsWith;

    * Search by using the description of the product that ends with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the description of the product that ends with the specified value.")
    String? descriptionEndsWith;

    * Search by using the description of the product that contains the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the description of the product that contains the specified value.")
    String? descriptionContains;

    * Should the related orders of the account be included in the retrieved products?
    // @ApiMember(Description="Should the related orders of the account be included in the retrieved products?")
    bool? includeOrders;

    * Specifies the number of orders to skip per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. 
    // @ApiMember(Description="Specifies the number of orders to skip per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. ")
    int? skipOrders;

    * Specifies the number of orders to include per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. 
    // @ApiMember(Description="Specifies the number of orders to include per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. ")
    int? takeOrders;

    * The number of query results to skip.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The number of query results to skip.")
    int? skip;

    * The number of query results to include.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The number of query results to include.")
    int? take;

    SearchProductsBase.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        productId = json['productId'];
        accountId = json['accountId'];
        name = json['name'];
        nameStartsWith = json['nameStartsWith'];
        nameEndsWith = json['nameEndsWith'];
        nameContains = json['nameContains'];
        version = json['version'];
        versionStartsWith = json['versionStartsWith'];
        versionEndsWith = json['versionEndsWith'];
        versionContains = json['versionContains'];
        description = json['description'];
        descriptionStartsWith = json['descriptionStartsWith'];
        descriptionEndsWith = json['descriptionEndsWith'];
        descriptionContains = json['descriptionContains'];
        includeOrders = json['includeOrders'];
        skipOrders = json['skipOrders'];
        takeOrders = json['takeOrders'];
        skip = json['skip'];
        take = json['take'];
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => super.toJson()..addAll({
        'productId': productId,
        'accountId': accountId,
        'name': name,
        'nameStartsWith': nameStartsWith,
        'nameEndsWith': nameEndsWith,
        'nameContains': nameContains,
        'version': version,
        'versionStartsWith': versionStartsWith,
        'versionEndsWith': versionEndsWith,
        'versionContains': versionContains,
        'description': description,
        'descriptionStartsWith': descriptionStartsWith,
        'descriptionEndsWith': descriptionEndsWith,
        'descriptionContains': descriptionContains,
        'includeOrders': includeOrders,
        'skipOrders': skipOrders,
        'takeOrders': takeOrders,
        'skip': skip,
        'take': take

    getTypeName() => "SearchProductsBase";
    TypeContext? context = _ctx;

* Represents a product.
// @Api(Description="Represents a product.")
class Product implements IHasName, IConvertible
    * The unique identifier of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the product.", IsRequired=true)
    int? id;

    * The position of this instance in a collection of 'Product' instances
    // @ApiMember(Description="The position of this instance in a collection of 'Product' instances", IsRequired=true)
    int? index;

    * The name of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the product.", IsRequired=true)
    // @Validate(Validator="NotEmpty")
    String? name;

    * The version of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The version of the product.", IsRequired=true)
    // @Validate(Validator="NotEmpty")
    String? version;

    * The version of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The version of the product.")
    String? description;

    * Tags associated with the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Tags associated with the product.")
    List<String>? tags;

    Product.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        id = json['id'];
        index = json['index'];
        name = json['name'];
        version = json['version'];
        description = json['description'];
        tags = JsonConverters.fromJson(json['tags'],'List<String>',context!);
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'id': id,
        'index': index,
        'name': name,
        'version': version,
        'description': description,
        'tags': JsonConverters.toJson(tags,'List<String>',context!)

    getTypeName() => "Product";
    TypeContext? context = _ctx;

* Represents a query response that contains a structured error information and encapsulates products.
// @Api(Description="Represents a query response that contains a structured error information and encapsulates products.")
class ProductQueryResponse extends QueryResponse<Product> implements IConvertible
    * The dictionary of orders associated with each found product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The dictionary of orders associated with each found product.")
    Map<int,List<Order>?>? ordersMap;

    // @DataMember(Order=1)
    int? offset;

    // @DataMember(Order=2)
    int? total;

    // @DataMember(Order=3)
    List<Product>? results;

    // @DataMember(Order=4)
    Map<String,String?>? meta;

    // @DataMember(Order=5)
    ResponseStatus? responseStatus;

    ProductQueryResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        ordersMap = JsonConverters.fromJson(json['ordersMap'],'Map<int,List<Order>?>',context!);
        offset = json['offset'];
        total = json['total'];
        results = JsonConverters.fromJson(json['results'],'List<Product>',context!);
        meta = JsonConverters.toStringMap(json['meta']);
        responseStatus = JsonConverters.fromJson(json['responseStatus'],'ResponseStatus',context!);
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => super.toJson()..addAll({
        'ordersMap': JsonConverters.toJson(ordersMap,'Map<int,List<Order>?>',context!),
        'offset': offset,
        'total': total,
        'results': JsonConverters.toJson(results,'List<Product>',context!),
        'meta': meta,
        'responseStatus': JsonConverters.toJson(responseStatus,'ResponseStatus',context!)

    getTypeName() => "ProductQueryResponse";
    TypeContext? context = _ctx;

* Represents a service to search for product data.
// @Api(Description="Represents a service to search for product data.")
class SearchProducts extends SearchProductsBase implements IConvertible
    * The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.")
    int? productId;

    * The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The unique identifier of the account associated with the product.")
    int? accountId;

    * The name of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the product.")
    String? name;

    * Search by using the name of the product that starts with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the name of the product that starts with the specified value.")
    String? nameStartsWith;

    * Search by using the name of the product that ends with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the name of the product that ends with the specified value.")
    String? nameEndsWith;

    * Search by using the name of the product that contains the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the name of the product that contains the specified value.")
    String? nameContains;

    * The version of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The version of the product.")
    String? version;

    * Search by using the version of the product that starts with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the version of the product that starts with the specified value.")
    String? versionStartsWith;

    * Search by using the version of the product that ends with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the version of the product that ends with the specified value.")
    String? versionEndsWith;

    * Search by using the version of the product that contains the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the version of the product that contains the specified value.")
    String? versionContains;

    * The description of the product.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The description of the product.")
    String? description;

    * Search by using the description of the product that starts with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the description of the product that starts with the specified value.")
    String? descriptionStartsWith;

    * Search by using the description of the product that ends with the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the description of the product that ends with the specified value.")
    String? descriptionEndsWith;

    * Search by using the description of the product that contains the specified value.
    // @ApiMember(Description="Search by using the description of the product that contains the specified value.")
    String? descriptionContains;

    * Should the related orders of the account be included in the retrieved products?
    // @ApiMember(Description="Should the related orders of the account be included in the retrieved products?")
    bool? includeOrders;

    * Specifies the number of orders to skip per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. 
    // @ApiMember(Description="Specifies the number of orders to skip per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. ")
    int? skipOrders;

    * Specifies the number of orders to include per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. 
    // @ApiMember(Description="Specifies the number of orders to include per product. Applicable only when 'IncludeOrders' is true. ")
    int? takeOrders;

    * The number of query results to skip.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The number of query results to skip.")
    int? skip;

    * The number of query results to include.
    // @ApiMember(Description="The number of query results to include.")
    int? take;

    SearchProducts.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        productId = json['productId'];
        accountId = json['accountId'];
        name = json['name'];
        nameStartsWith = json['nameStartsWith'];
        nameEndsWith = json['nameEndsWith'];
        nameContains = json['nameContains'];
        version = json['version'];
        versionStartsWith = json['versionStartsWith'];
        versionEndsWith = json['versionEndsWith'];
        versionContains = json['versionContains'];
        description = json['description'];
        descriptionStartsWith = json['descriptionStartsWith'];
        descriptionEndsWith = json['descriptionEndsWith'];
        descriptionContains = json['descriptionContains'];
        includeOrders = json['includeOrders'];
        skipOrders = json['skipOrders'];
        takeOrders = json['takeOrders'];
        skip = json['skip'];
        take = json['take'];
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => super.toJson()..addAll({
        'productId': productId,
        'accountId': accountId,
        'name': name,
        'nameStartsWith': nameStartsWith,
        'nameEndsWith': nameEndsWith,
        'nameContains': nameContains,
        'version': version,
        'versionStartsWith': versionStartsWith,
        'versionEndsWith': versionEndsWith,
        'versionContains': versionContains,
        'description': description,
        'descriptionStartsWith': descriptionStartsWith,
        'descriptionEndsWith': descriptionEndsWith,
        'descriptionContains': descriptionContains,
        'includeOrders': includeOrders,
        'skipOrders': skipOrders,
        'takeOrders': takeOrders,
        'skip': skip,
        'take': take

    getTypeName() => "SearchProducts";
    TypeContext? context = _ctx;

// @DataContract
class QueryResponse<T> implements IConvertible
    // @DataMember(Order=1)
    int? offset;

    // @DataMember(Order=2)
    int? total;

    // @DataMember(Order=3)
    List<T>? results;

    // @DataMember(Order=4)
    Map<String,String?>? meta;

    // @DataMember(Order=5)
    ResponseStatus? responseStatus;

    QueryResponse.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        offset = json['offset'];
        total = json['total'];
        results = JsonConverters.fromJson(json['results'],'List<${runtimeGenericTypeDefs(this,[0]).join(",")}>',context!);
        meta = JsonConverters.toStringMap(json['meta']);
        responseStatus = JsonConverters.fromJson(json['responseStatus'],'ResponseStatus',context!);
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'offset': offset,
        'total': total,
        'results': JsonConverters.toJson(results,'List<T>',context!),
        'meta': meta,
        'responseStatus': JsonConverters.toJson(responseStatus,'ResponseStatus',context!)

    getTypeName() => "QueryResponse<$T>";
    TypeContext? context = _ctx;

TypeContext _ctx = TypeContext(library: '', types: <String, TypeInfo> {
    'PaginationBase': TypeInfo(TypeOf.AbstractClass),
    'SearchProductsBase': TypeInfo(TypeOf.AbstractClass),
    'Product': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => Product()),
    'ProductQueryResponse': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => ProductQueryResponse()),
    'Map<int,List<Order>?>': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => Map<int,List<Order>?>()),
    'List<Order>': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => <Order>[]),
    'Order': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => Order()),
    'List<Product>': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => <Product>[]),
    'SearchProducts': TypeInfo(TypeOf.Class, create:() => SearchProducts()),

Dart SearchProducts DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .x-msgpack suffix or ?format=x-msgpack


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /sync/products/search HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/x-msgpack
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x-msgpack
Content-Length: length
