POST | /BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende |
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports ServiceStack
Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations
Imports PwC.xEric.Core.Services.Contracts.Requests
Imports PwC.xEric.Core.Domain.Concretes.Models
Imports PwC.DigitalHub.Utilities.IO.Core.Contracts.Models
Namespace Global
Namespace PwC.DigitalHub.Utilities.IO.Core.Contracts.Models
'''Represents a base class for a file with raw data.
<Api(Description:="Represents a base class for a file with raw data.")>
Public Partial Class FileBase
Public Sub New()
Content = New Byte(){}
End Sub
'''The raw data content of the file.
<ApiMember(Description:="The raw data content of the file.", Name:="Content")>
Public Overridable Property Content As Byte()
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace PwC.xEric.Core.Domain.Concretes.Models
'''Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.
<Api(Description:="Represents a portal certificate that is protected by a password.")>
Public Partial Class PortalCertificate
Inherits FileBase
Implements ISecuredCertificate
Implements IHasIndex
Public Sub New()
Tags = New List(Of String)
Content = New Byte(){}
End Sub
'''The unique identifier of the certificate.
<ApiMember(Description:="The unique identifier of the certificate.")>
Public Overridable Property Id As Guid
'''The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates.
<ApiMember(Description:="The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates.")>
Public Overridable Property Index As Integer
'''The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.
<ApiMember(Description:="The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.")>
Public Overridable Property Pin As String
'''The description of the certificate.
<ApiMember(Description:="The description of the certificate.")>
Public Overridable Property Description As String
'''Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.
<ApiMember(Description:="Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.")>
Public Overridable Property Tags As List(Of String)
'''Gets or sets the file name of the certificate.
<ApiMember(Description:="Gets or sets the file name of the certificate.")>
Public Overridable Property Name As String
'''The raw data content of the file.
<ApiMember(Description:="The raw data content of the file.", Name:="Content")>
Public Overridable Property Content As Byte()
End Class
'''Represents a structure that encapsulates a tax declaration.
<Api(Description:="Represents a structure that encapsulates a tax declaration.")>
Public Partial Class TaxData
'''The unique identifier of the tax data.
<ApiMember(Description:="The unique identifier of the tax data.", IsRequired:=true)>
Public Overridable Property Id As String
'''The XML-based tax declaration.
<ApiMember(Description:="The XML-based tax declaration.", IsRequired:=true)>
Public Overridable Property Content As String
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace PwC.xEric.Core.Services.Contracts.Requests
'''A base service to process a batch of tax data.
<Api(Description:="A base service to process a batch of tax data.")>
Public Partial Class BatchBearbeiteVorgangBase
Implements IPost
Public Sub New()
Data = New List(Of TaxData)
End Sub
'''The batch of tax data to process.
<ApiMember(Description:="The batch of tax data to process.", Name:="Data")>
Public Overridable Property Data As List(Of TaxData)
End Class
'''A synchronous service to validate, authenticate and send tax data to the fiscal authorities.
<Api(Description:="A synchronous service to validate, authenticate and send tax data to the fiscal authorities.")>
Public Partial Class BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende
Inherits BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSendeBase
Public Sub New()
Data = New List(Of TaxData)
End Sub
'''The authentification certificate.
<ApiMember(Description:="The authentification certificate.", Name:="Zertifikat")>
Public Overridable Property Zertifikat As PortalCertificate
'''Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.
<ApiMember(Description:="Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name:="AbrufCode")>
Public Overridable Property AbrufCode As String
'''The details of the provider that submits tax data.
<ApiMember(Description:="The details of the provider that submits tax data.", Name:="DatenLieferant")>
Public Overridable Property DatenLieferant As String
'''Should the processing of the tax data be staged? If true, tax data is not sent to the production ELSTER servers.
<ApiMember(Description:="Should the processing of the tax data be staged? If true, tax data is not sent to the production ELSTER servers.", Name:="StagingEnabled")>
Public Overridable Property StagingEnabled As Nullable(Of Boolean)
'''The batch of tax data to process.
<ApiMember(Description:="The batch of tax data to process.", Name:="Data")>
Public Overridable Property Data As List(Of TaxData)
End Class
'''A base service to validate, authenticate and send tax data to the fiscal authorities.
<Api(Description:="A base service to validate, authenticate and send tax data to the fiscal authorities.")>
Public Partial Class BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSendeBase
Inherits BatchBearbeiteVorgangBase
Implements IVeschlueselungsRequest
Implements ISendeRequest
Public Sub New()
Data = New List(Of TaxData)
End Sub
'''The authentification certificate.
<ApiMember(Description:="The authentification certificate.", Name:="Zertifikat")>
Public Overridable Property Zertifikat As PortalCertificate
'''Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.
<ApiMember(Description:="Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.", Name:="AbrufCode")>
Public Overridable Property AbrufCode As String
'''The details of the provider that submits tax data.
<ApiMember(Description:="The details of the provider that submits tax data.", Name:="DatenLieferant")>
Public Overridable Property DatenLieferant As String
'''Should the processing of the tax data be staged? If true, tax data is not sent to the production ELSTER servers.
<ApiMember(Description:="Should the processing of the tax data be staged? If true, tax data is not sent to the production ELSTER servers.", Name:="StagingEnabled")>
Public Overridable Property StagingEnabled As Nullable(Of Boolean)
'''The batch of tax data to process.
<ApiMember(Description:="The batch of tax data to process.", Name:="Data")>
Public Overridable Property Data As List(Of TaxData)
End Class
End Namespace
End Namespace
VB.NET BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende DTOs
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length
<BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<Data xmlns:d2p1="">
<Zertifikat xmlns:d2p1="">
<Content xmlns="">AA==</Content>
<d2p1:Tags xmlns:d3p1="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: length <ArrayOfBearbeiteVorgangResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <BearbeiteVorgangResponse> <Id>String</Id> <Index>0</Index> <ResponseStatus xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:ErrorCode>String</d3p1:ErrorCode> <d3p1:Message>String</d3p1:Message> <d3p1:StackTrace>String</d3p1:StackTrace> <d3p1:Errors> <d3p1:ResponseError> <d3p1:ErrorCode>String</d3p1:ErrorCode> <d3p1:FieldName>String</d3p1:FieldName> <d3p1:Message>String</d3p1:Message> <d3p1:Meta xmlns:d6p1=""> <d6p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d6p1:Key>String</d6p1:Key> <d6p1:Value>String</d6p1:Value> </d6p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </d3p1:Meta> </d3p1:ResponseError> </d3p1:Errors> <d3p1:Meta xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d4p1:Key>String</d4p1:Key> <d4p1:Value>String</d4p1:Value> </d4p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </d3p1:Meta> </ResponseStatus> <StatusCode>ERIC_OK</StatusCode> <StatusText>String</StatusText> <Rueckgabe> <Erfolg> <Telenummer>String</Telenummer> <Ordnungsbegriff>String</Ordnungsbegriff> </Erfolg> <Transfers> <Transfer> <TransferTicket>String</TransferTicket> </Transfer> </Transfers> <FehlerRegelpruefung> <Nutzdatenticket>String</Nutzdatenticket> <Feldidentifikator>String</Feldidentifikator> <Mehrfachzeilenindex>String</Mehrfachzeilenindex> <LfdNrVordruck>String</LfdNrVordruck> <VordruckZeilennummer>String</VordruckZeilennummer> <SemantischerIndex Name="String">String</SemantischerIndex> <Untersachbereich>String</Untersachbereich> <PrivateKennnummer>String</PrivateKennnummer> <RegelName>String</RegelName> <FachlicheFehlerId>String</FachlicheFehlerId> <Text>String</Text> </FehlerRegelpruefung> <Hinweis> <Nutzdatenticket>String</Nutzdatenticket> <Feldidentifikator>String</Feldidentifikator> <Mehrfachzeilenindex>String</Mehrfachzeilenindex> <LfdNrVordruck>String</LfdNrVordruck> <VordruckZeilennummer>String</VordruckZeilennummer> <SemantischerIndex Name="String">String</SemantischerIndex> <Untersachbereich>String</Untersachbereich> <PrivateKennnummer>String</PrivateKennnummer> <RegelName>String</RegelName> <FachlicheHinweisId>String</FachlicheHinweisId> <Text>String</Text> </Hinweis> </Rueckgabe> <Serverantwort> <TransferHeader version="String"> <Verfahren>ElsterAnmeldung</Verfahren> <DatenArt>34a</DatenArt> <Vorgang>send-Auth</Vorgang> <TransferTicket>String</TransferTicket> <Testmerker>0</Testmerker> <SigUser /> <Empfaenger id="String"> <Ziel>BW</Ziel> </Empfaenger> <HerstellerID>String</HerstellerID> <DatenLieferant>String</DatenLieferant> <EingangsDatum>00010101000000</EingangsDatum> <Datei> <Verschluesselung>PKCS#7v1.5</Verschluesselung> <Kompression>GZIP</Kompression> <TransportSchluessel>String</TransportSchluessel> <Erstellung> <Eric /> </Erstellung> </Datei> <RC> <Rueckgabe> <Code>String</Code> <Text>String</Text> </Rueckgabe> <Stack> <Code>String</Code> <Text>String</Text> </Stack> </RC> <VersionClient>String</VersionClient> <Zusatz> <Info>String</Info> <ElsterInfo>String</ElsterInfo> </Zusatz> </TransferHeader> <DatenTeil> <Nutzdatenblock> <NutzdatenHeader version="String"> <NutzdatenTicket>String</NutzdatenTicket> <Empfaenger id="L">String</Empfaenger> <Hersteller> <ProduktName>String</ProduktName> <ProduktVersion>String</ProduktVersion> </Hersteller> <DatenLieferant>String</DatenLieferant> <RC> <Rueckgabe> <Code>String</Code> <Text>String</Text> </Rueckgabe> <Stack> <Code>String</Code> <Text>String</Text> </Stack> </RC> <Zusatz> <Info>String</Info> <ElsterInfo>String</ElsterInfo> </Zusatz> </NutzdatenHeader> <Nutzdaten /> </Nutzdatenblock> </DatenTeil> </Serverantwort> <TransferProtocols xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:BinaryFile> <Content xmlns="">AA==</Content> <d3p1:Metadata xmlns:d5p1=""> <d5p1:Extensions xmlns:d6p1=""> <d6p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d6p1:Key>String</d6p1:Key> <d6p1:Value>String</d6p1:Value> </d6p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </d5p1:Extensions> <d5p1:FullName>String</d5p1:FullName> <d5p1:GroupCanExecute>false</d5p1:GroupCanExecute> <d5p1:GroupCanRead>false</d5p1:GroupCanRead> <d5p1:GroupCanWrite>false</d5p1:GroupCanWrite> <d5p1:GroupId>0</d5p1:GroupId> <d5p1:LastAccessTime>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d5p1:LastAccessTime> <d5p1:LastAccessTimeUtc>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d5p1:LastAccessTimeUtc> <d5p1:LastWriteTime>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d5p1:LastWriteTime> <d5p1:LastWriteTimeUtc>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d5p1:LastWriteTimeUtc> <d5p1:Length>0</d5p1:Length> <d5p1:Name>String</d5p1:Name> <d5p1:OthersCanExecute>false</d5p1:OthersCanExecute> <d5p1:OthersCanRead>false</d5p1:OthersCanRead> <d5p1:OthersCanWrite>false</d5p1:OthersCanWrite> <d5p1:OwnerCanExecute>false</d5p1:OwnerCanExecute> <d5p1:OwnerCanRead>false</d5p1:OwnerCanRead> <d5p1:OwnerCanWrite>false</d5p1:OwnerCanWrite> <d5p1:UserId>0</d5p1:UserId> </d3p1:Metadata> <d3p1:Name>String</d3p1:Name> </d3p1:BinaryFile> </TransferProtocols> </BearbeiteVorgangResponse> </ArrayOfBearbeiteVorgangResponse>