POST | /async/datenabholungen/protokolle/17/verarbeitungsprotokoll/batch |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Bescheide | body | List<Abholung17> | Yes | The tax assessements, whose processing records shall be obtained. |
Zertifikat | body | PortalCertificate | Yes | The authentification certificate. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Bescheide | form | List<Abholung17> | Yes | The tax assessements, whose processing records shall be obtained. |
Zertifikat | form | PortalCertificate | Yes | The authentification certificate. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Zertifikat | form | PortalCertificate | Yes | The authentification certificate. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | Guid | No | The unique identifier of the certificate. |
Index | form | int | No | The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates. |
Pin | form | string | No | The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access. |
Description | form | string | No | The description of the certificate. |
Tags | form | List<string> | Yes | Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate. |
Name | form | string | No | Gets or sets the file name of the certificate. |
Content | form | byte[] | No | The raw data content of the file. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Content | form | byte[] | No | The raw data content of the file. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Steuerart | form | Steuerart? | No | The tax type (e.g. ESB) of the data record. |
MetaInformationen | form | MetaInformationen17 | No | The meta information of the identifier. |
Bereitstellungsticket | form | string | No | Die Transfertickets der Datensaetze. Es duerfen max. 100 Bereitstellungstickets in einem Request angegeben werden. |
Anhaenge | form | Anhaenge17 | No | The attachments of the data records. |
Id | form | string | No | The identifier of the data record. |
Idnr | form | string | No | The ID number of the receipt owner. This attribute is only required for the tax type 'ElsterVaStDaten'. |
Veranlagungsjahr | form | int? | No | The assessment year (YYYY) of the receipt. This attribute is only required for the tax type 'ElsterVaStDaten'. |
Uebertragungsweg | form | Uebertragungsweg? | No | The transmission path used. |
Encoding | form | string | No | The character encoding of the data record (e.g. ISO-8859-15). The exception is the data type ElsterVaStDaten, here we submit KEIN ENCODING. |
Mandantennummer | form | string | No | The client number; only applicable to the tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
Steuernummer | form | string | No | The tax number; only applicable to the tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
Bescheiddatum | form | DateTime? | No | The asessment date; only applicable to the tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
Datenpaket | form | Datenpaket | No | Das Datenpaket angeforderter Datensaetze. Nur bei der Direktsendung ueber das ERiClet. |
Download | form | Download | No | Download requested data records. Ensure the second payload data block is empty for bulk retrieval operations. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | string | No | The identifier of the data record. |
Idnr | form | string | No | The ID number of the receipt owner. This attribute is only required for the tax type 'ElsterVaStDaten'. |
Veranlagungsjahr | form | int? | No | The assessment year (YYYY) of the receipt. This attribute is only required for the tax type 'ElsterVaStDaten'. |
Uebertragungsweg | form | Uebertragungsweg? | No | The transmission path used. |
Encoding | form | string | No | The character encoding of the data record (e.g. ISO-8859-15). The exception is the data type ElsterVaStDaten, here we submit KEIN ENCODING. |
Mandantennummer | form | string | No | The client number; only applicable to the tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
Steuernummer | form | string | No | The tax number; only applicable to the tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
Bescheiddatum | form | DateTime? | No | The asessment date; only applicable to the tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
Datenpaket | form | Datenpaket | No | Das Datenpaket angeforderter Datensaetze. Nur bei der Direktsendung ueber das ERiClet. |
Download | form | Download | No | Download requested data records. Ensure the second payload data block is empty for bulk retrieval operations. |
direkt | Retrieve the data directly via an ERiClet. |
link | Retrieve the data via a link to the available data on the web server. |
sammellink | Retrieve the bulk data via a link to the available data on the web server. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Value | form | string | No | Encoded (compressed and encrypted) requested data record |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Url | form | string | No | The link to the data on the web server. |
Benutzer | form | string | No | The user name for the web server. |
Passwort | form | string | No | Password for the web server. |
ESB | Maps to tax type 'ElsterErklaerungDaten' oder 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
GSB | Maps to tax type 'ElsterErklaerungDaten' oder 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
USB | Maps to tax type 'ElsterErklaerungDaten' oder 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
EPBescheid | Maps to tax type 'ElsterEPBescheidDaten'. |
EPMitteilung | Maps to tax type 'ElsterEPMitteilungDaten'. |
Gewerbesteuerbescheid | Maps to tax type the 'EPStBescheidAbholung'. |
Gewerbesteuermitteilung | Maps to tax type 'EPStMitteilungAbholung'. |
GEWMB | Maps to tax type 'ElsterErklaerungDaten' oder 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
DIVAAnzeigeEinerLotterie | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVABescheid | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaBescheidESt | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVABuchmachersteuer | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVALotteriesteuerEinmal | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVALotteriesteuerMehr | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVASportwettensteuer | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVATotalisator | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
OZGBescheid | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
VerbindlicheAuskunft | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
VerbindlicheZusage | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaSonstigerVA | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaBescheidErbSt | |
DivaBescheidFEIN | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaBescheidGewSt | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaBescheidKSt | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaBescheidUSt | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DivaBescheidSchenkSt | |
DIVATroncabgabe | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVAVirtuelleAutomatenStB | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
DIVAOnlinePokerStB | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
LStHVVMRM | Maps to tax type 'ElsterVollmachtDaten'. |
EinlagenrueckgewaehrVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
FTTMeldungVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
StatusInvStGVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
UStVEUVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
VERSVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
AltZertVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
KapEStEntlastungVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
PostUDLVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
StAb50aVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
StAbEntlastungVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
KassenangelegenheitenVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
KStOptVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
SteueroasenabwehrVA | Maps to tax type 'DIVADatenBZSt'. |
KDBVollmachtRM | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
STBKE | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
VDBKDBRueckmeldungLief | Maps to tax type 'ElsterDIVADaten'. |
AnhangRueckmeldung | Maps to tax type 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
DivaEinwilligungRM | Maps to tax type 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
GlueckspielF | Maps to tax type 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
OZGMitteilung | Maps to tax type 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
VerbindlicheAuskunftInfoF | Maps to tax type 'MitteilungAbholung'. |
ELOProtokoll | ELOProtokoll |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Meta | form | List<Meta17> | Yes | List of metadata. |
MetaInfoMaps | form | MetaInfoMaps17 | No | List of meta infomation maps. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | form | string | No | The type of metadata, e.g. datei [file] |
Coding | form | Coding? | No | The encoding of the metadata (text or base64) |
Value | form | string | No | The content of the metadata |
text | Plain text. |
base64 | Base-64 encoded content. |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /async/datenabholungen/protokolle/17/verarbeitungsprotokoll/batch HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
steuerart: ESB,
name: String,
coding: text,
value: String
typ: String,
name: String,
coding: text,
value: String
bereitstellungsticket: String,
dateibezeichnungID: String,
dateibezeichnungKurz: String,
value: String
dateibezeichnungID: String,
dateibezeichnungKurz: String,
value: String
dateibezeichnung: String,
dateityp: String,
dateiinhalt: String
id: String,
idnr: String,
veranlagungsjahr: 0,
uebertragungsweg: direkt,
encoding: String,
mandantennummer: String,
steuernummer: String,
bescheiddatum: 0001-01-01,
value: String
url: String,
benutzer: String,
passwort: String
id: 00000000000000000000000000000000,
index: 0,
pin: String,
description: String,
name: String,
content: AA==
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length [ { protokoll: { version: 0, zeitStempel: 0001-01-01, datenTeil: { transferTicket: String, code: 0, text: String, nutzdatenbloecke: [ { nutzdatenTicket: String, code: 0, text: String, verarbeiteteNds: 0, nichtverarbeiteteNds: 0, ndSFehler: [ { lfdNr: String, kmId: String, ordnungsMerkmal: String, fehlerNummer: 0, fehlerText: String } ] } ] } }, id: String, index: 0, responseStatus: { errorCode: String, message: String, stackTrace: String, errors: [ { errorCode: String, fieldName: String, message: String, meta: { String: String } } ], meta: { String: String } } } ]