POST | /BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDruckeAsync |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
DuplexDruck | body | bool? | No | Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?. True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page. |
ProtocolPrefix | body | string | No | Base name of the generated PDF file. Each tax data file name shall be appended to this base name. |
FussText | body | string | No | Footer text to be used on the printout (optional). |
Zertifikat | body | PortalCertificate | No | The authentification certificate. |
AbrufCode | body | string | No | Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'. |
DatenLieferant | body | string | No | The details of the provider that submits tax data. |
Data | body | List<TaxData> | Yes | The batch of tax data to process. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
DuplexDruck | form | bool? | No | Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?. True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page. |
ProtocolPrefix | form | string | No | Base name of the generated PDF file. Each tax data file name shall be appended to this base name. |
FussText | form | string | No | Footer text to be used on the printout (optional). |
Zertifikat | form | PortalCertificate | No | The authentification certificate. |
AbrufCode | form | string | No | Gets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'. |
DatenLieferant | form | string | No | The details of the provider that submits tax data. |
Data | form | List<TaxData> | Yes | The batch of tax data to process. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Data | form | List<TaxData> | Yes | The batch of tax data to process. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | string | Yes | The unique identifier of the tax data. |
Content | form | string | Yes | The XML-based tax declaration. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | Guid | No | The unique identifier of the certificate. |
Index | form | int | No | The position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates. |
Pin | form | string | No | The password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access. |
Description | form | string | No | The description of the certificate. |
Tags | form | List<string> | Yes | Tags that can be used to label or identify the certificate. |
Name | form | string | No | Gets or sets the file name of the certificate. |
Content | form | byte[] | No | The raw data content of the file. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Content | form | byte[] | No | The raw data content of the file. |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereSendeUndDruckeAsync HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
duplexDruck: False,
protocolPrefix: String,
fussText: String,
id: 00000000000000000000000000000000,
index: 0,
pin: String,
description: String,
name: String,
content: AA==
abrufCode: String,
datenLieferant: String,
id: String,
content: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length [ { rueckgabe: { erfolg: { telenummer: [ String ], ordnungsbegriffe: [ String ] }, transfers: { transferList: [ { transferTicket: String } ] }, fehlerRegelpruefungen: [ { nutzdatenticket: String, feldidentifikator: String, mehrfachzeilenindex: String, lfdNrVordruck: String, vordruckZeilennummer: String, semantischeIndexes: [ { name: String, value: String } ], untersachbereich: String, privateKennnummer: String, regelName: String, fachlicheFehlerId: String, text: String } ], hinweise: [ { nutzdatenticket: String, feldidentifikator: String, mehrfachzeilenindex: String, lfdNrVordruck: String, vordruckZeilennummer: String, semantischeIndexes: [ { name: String, value: String } ], untersachbereich: String, privateKennnummer: String, regelName: String, fachlicheHinweisId: String, text: String } ] }, serverantwort: { transferHeader: { version: String, verfahren: ElsterAnmeldung, datenArt: 34a, vorgang: send-Auth, transferTicket: String, testmerker: 0, sigUser: { inhalt: {} }, empfaenger: { id: String, ziel: BW }, herstellerID: String, datenLieferant: String, eingangsDatum: 0001-01-01, datei: { verschluesselung: PKCS#7v1.5, kompression: GZIP, transportSchluessel: String, erstellung: { eric: { inhalt: {} } } }, rc: { rueckgabe: { code: String, text: String }, stack: { code: String, text: String } }, versionClient: String, zusatz: { infos: [ String ], elsterInfos: [ String ] } }, datenTeil: { nutzdatenbloecke: [ { nutzdatenHeader: { version: String, nutzdatenTicket: String, empfaenger: { id: L, value: String }, hersteller: { produktName: String, produktVersion: String }, datenLieferant: String, rc: { rueckgabe: { code: String, text: String }, stack: { code: String, text: String } }, zusatz: { infos: [ String ], elsterInfos: [ String ] } }, nutzdaten: { inhalt: {} } } ] } }, transferProtocols: [ { metadata: { name: String, fullName: String, lastAccessTime: 0001-01-01, lastAccessTimeUtc: 0001-01-01, lastWriteTime: 0001-01-01, lastWriteTimeUtc: 0001-01-01, length: 0, userId: 0, groupId: 0, othersCanRead: False, groupCanExecute: False, groupCanWrite: False, groupCanRead: False, ownerCanExecute: False, ownerCanWrite: False, ownerCanRead: False, othersCanExecute: False, othersCanWrite: False, extensions: { String: String } }, name: String, content: AA== } ], statusCode: ERIC_OK, statusText: String, id: String, index: 0, responseStatus: { errorCode: String, message: String, stackTrace: String, errors: [ { errorCode: String, fieldName: String, message: String, meta: { String: String } } ], meta: { String: String } } } ]