Tax Filing Service

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A synchronous service to validate, authenticate and send tax data to the fiscal authorities.

Requires Authentication
The following routes are available for this service:
BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
ZertifikatbodyPortalCertificateNoThe authentification certificate.
AbrufCodebodystringNoGets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.
DatenLieferantbodystringNoThe details of the provider that submits tax data.
StagingEnabledbodybool?NoShould the processing of the tax data be staged? If true, tax data is not sent to the production ELSTER servers.
DatabodyList<TaxData>YesThe batch of tax data to process.
BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSendeBase Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
ZertifikatformPortalCertificateNoThe authentification certificate.
AbrufCodeformstringNoGets or sets the retrieval code. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. Example: 'K6FG5 - RS32P'.
DatenLieferantformstringNoThe details of the provider that submits tax data.
StagingEnabledformbool?NoShould the processing of the tax data be staged? If true, tax data is not sent to the production ELSTER servers.
DataformList<TaxData>YesThe batch of tax data to process.
BatchBearbeiteVorgangBase Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
DataformList<TaxData>YesThe batch of tax data to process.
TaxData Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
IdformstringYesThe unique identifier of the tax data.
ContentformstringYesThe XML-based tax declaration.
PortalCertificate Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
IdformGuidNoThe unique identifier of the certificate.
IndexformintNoThe position of the certificate element in an indexed collection of certificates.
PinformstringNoThe password to protect the certificate from unauthorized access.
DescriptionformstringNoThe description of the certificate.
TagsformList<string>YesTags that can be used to label or identify the certificate.
NameformstringNoGets or sets the file name of the certificate.
Contentformbyte[]NoThe raw data content of the file.
FileBase Parameters:
NameParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
Contentformbyte[]NoThe raw data content of the file.

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .x-msgpack suffix or ?format=x-msgpack


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /BatchValidiereAuthentifiziereUndSende HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/x-msgpack
Content-Type: application/x-msgpack
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x-msgpack
Content-Length: length
